PM Cameron saw there are similarities between basketball and football, which is how the players keep the opponent or trying to score points before the break. 卡梅伦首相发现了足球和篮球之间的一些相似之处,那就是在中场休息之前场上的人都很敌对并努力得分。
For football scores we say nil: The score was three nil ( 3-0) to Barcelona. 如果是足球比赛我们会用nil代表零,如:和巴塞罗那队的比分是3-0(threenil)
Hence, the China football team would be genuinely sorry that they would not appreciate the wonderful celebration action of the above teams for score when they have a match each other in a same field. 因此,中国足球队会真诚的歉意,使他们不欣赏美妙的庆祝动作上述球队的分数当他们有互相搭配在同一领域。
It's clear to us that our football team has obtained very good score. 我们大家都清楚,过去我们区队的足球队取得了很好的成绩。
The Syria football team has beaten Iran with a closed score of33:32. today, it will compete with Kuwait for the gold medal. 叙利亚手球队以33:32的接近比分击败伊朗队,今天将与科威特队争夺金牌。
The football match went into extra time, eg because of injury to players or a drawn score. 这场足球赛进入加时赛(如因运动员受伤或因比分持平)。
Football brings us good health and fun, it also involves different people working together to score the same goal. 足球带来健康和乐趣,同时也牵涉到不同的人得分相同的目标共同努力。
Let me explain some football terms for you:'No breakthrough'means they haven't been able to score a goal. 解说员的话说得太快了,还有那么多足球术语,我们没必要每个字都听懂,只要懂个大概就够了。
At the end of the football match, the score was4-3, so we were only merely beaten. 以4-3的比分结束了比赛,只不过是微弱的差距我们输了。
It's normal to feel pressure in football when you have so many chances on goal and fail to score, but you also just think that goals will eventually arrive. 在足球世界,当你有很多机会射门却无法将其转化成得分时,一定会感到压力,但你只要想着进球迟早会发生的就好。
In the football game, players carry the ball in their hands or throw it to each other as they try to score goals. 在橄榄球比赛中,当球员要试著得分时,他们会用手带球或将球互传。
It was time to win, not to play beautiful football, not to score three or four goals, it was time to get the three points. 对我们来说,不是要踢出漂亮的比赛,不是进三到四个球,而是赢得时间拿到三分。
( in sport, esp football) deliberate foul,( esp one committed in order to stop the game when a member of the opposing team seems certain to score) (体育竞赛,尤指足球比赛中)故意犯规(尤指藉犯规动作中断比赛以避免对方得分之做法)。
I'm enjoying my football and believe that I can score goals for Liverpool. 我享受我的足球,相信我能够为利物浦打进很多球。
With football sport's developing, confrontation between offensive and defensive is growing in intensity and score a goal is becoming more difficult. 随着现代足球运动的不断发展,攻守对抗日趋激烈,射门进球难度越来越大,怎样提高射门进球率是世界足坛共同探讨的课题之一。
Goal-scoring is the ultimate goal of football game, any beautiful organization and attack, its purpose is to score a goal, to win the game. 进球得分是足球比赛的最终目的,任何漂亮的组织与进攻,其目的都是为了取得进球,获得比赛的胜利。